ClusterCS 2.4 Update

ClusterCS has reached its 2.4 version and we are excited to tell you what’s new.

In this huge update, we are focusing on bringing customer-requested features, updates to the existing services along with new services altogether, UX improvements and bugfixes.

Also, the ClusterCS backend infrastructure has been greatly enhanced for an improved overall experience.

  • Domain FTP accounts have been added, under Domains -> Manage (on the right side of the screen), this allows a user to create FTP accounts on one domain, which are chrooted to a subfolder. Great for giving limited access;
  • DRDB implementation – a more lightweight HA storage solution (it can use either a block device or an empty file as a storage solution);
  • E-mail SSL has been added, and e-mail server settings can now be found under Servers -> Actions -> Email;
  • The ElasticSearch service has been added (compatible with single servers only, for the moment, it will soon be available for Clusters as well);
  • A Galera Cluster monitor has been implemented;
  • The MySQL Cluster version 8.0 has been added;
  • Various performance and stability updates have been pushed for the ClusterCS backend (it should make the website more responsive and less prone to crashes);
  • A new Transaction Management System has been implemented: it allows multiple users to perform more actions within the panel at the same time on one server (or cluster);
  • All the operations within the control panel have been rewritten and weighted for priority and resource locking (in the ClusterCS backend);
  • Added a multi-write file transaction that allows our backend to write more files at speed, which greatly improves domain configuration on servers/clusters that contain a high number of domains;
  • Updates have been performed to the ClusterCS agent that connects to the servers for overall greater performance;
  • We have updated more services for CentOS 8 compatibility, we are close to live release from beta;
  • The configuration for the proftpd services has been updated;
  • $SITE_ROOT$ has been added in domain custom config parsing (SPEED tab);
  • hostname change to the hostname has been introduced in ClusterCS, as some services depend on it (Such as DRBD);
  • Support for Oracle 7 and 8 – has been added but they are not officially supported by ClusterCS yet, we have enabled adding Oracle 7 and 8 servers as they are also based on RHEL – incompatibilities may occur.

UI/UX Improvements:

  • The Login System has been improved with changes to layouts, easier login, a quicker Forgot Password procedure, and the overall experience should be better;
  • The Backups page has been migrated to the new Vue interface;
  • The Firewall page has been migrated to the new Vue interface with new functions such as the possibility to set firewall rule-expire, multiple sources and destination IPs, templates (for SSH, MySQL, Galera, MySQL cluster, MooseFS, FTP).


  • Functionality fixes for the following pages under the Domain Tab: Backups, Logs, Cronjobs;
  • The Galera monitor has been fixed;
  • The backup space check function on backing up databases has been fixed;
  • The WHM backup restore function has been fixed;
  • A rare occurrence of Let’s Encrypt generation failure has been solved;
  • A fix for older versions of MySQL has been included in the initial installation.

Upcoming updates:

  • ElasticSearch for a Clustered Environment will be soon implemented as an update to the single-server version that is already available;
  • Redis Cluster will be introduced as a distributed implementation of Redis, focused on Performance and High Availability.

Let us know what you think of this update and if you don’t have an account, give it a try!

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