
Set up your email (Android&Thunderbird)

Estimated reading: 2 minutes

If you want one (or more) email address on your domain, ClusterCS offers an easy way to setup it.

Start by navigating to the Email tab of your domain:

On the Add Email form, you have to set up an email address and a password. The extra options include setting a fixed Inbox size for the email address.

You can also set aliases (In the case of the picture below any mail sent to aliasexample[at]example[dot]com will be sent to this inbox – example[at]example[dot]com) and forwards (In this case all mails sent to example[at]example[dot]com will be also sent to example[at]clustercs[dot]com.

Remember to press Enter after entering each alias/forward email in order to save it.

Now, you probably want to set an e-mail client for your new e-mail address. The ones we recommend are Thunderbird (For PCs) and the default GMail app (For Android).

For Thunderbird, the settings should be as follows (Replace with your own domain):

As for Android, go into the Gmail App and add a new account:

Here you have two choices: IMAP downloads the mails on your phone, but also keeps them on the server, while POP3 deletes the e-mails from the server and you can access them only from your phone. Choose the one that you want:

For the Incoming Server Settings, you have to use your e-mail address and your password. As mail server use

When you tap Next, the app will search for Security Certificates (SSL Certs), to select an appropriate protocol (SSL/TLS if you have a certificate installed and STARTTLS if you don’t). If it doesn’t find any, it will show a warning which you can just ignore, and you click next on this screen, as it has done the settings for you:

And for outgoing you should use the same settings as on Incoming:

That’s it! Now you will receive e-mails on your Android Phone!

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