
How to add an AWS VPC?

Estimated reading: 1 minute

Add an Amazon Server to ClusterCS!

Adding a new Amazon server to ClusterCS is very easy, and it takes only 3 steps:

1. Setting the Security Groups

You can do so by going into the Security Groups tab in the left menu panel

Then you can Edit the Inbound Rules, and allow our two IPs ( ,

2. Getting the instance IP:

You can find it in the Instance dashboard:

3. Finding your user and SSH Key:

ClusterCS uses SSH to connect remotely to your server. This means it needs a valid root access account. You can connect to AWS using SSH Keys. You set and downloaded such a key when you created the instance, at a step similar to this:

The user is not the default “root” one either. An easy way to get it is by Clicking Connect with the instance selected:

Afterwards, the user is shown (The user usually is ec2-user, however it may differ depending on the package you have):

Now you have everything you need in order to add your AWS Server to Thank you for using our services!

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